
Spring is "on-air"

Ve Bahar geldi, spring is "on-air"... Please be a clever person and do not drink and drive, lso do not think yourself as a talented rally f*ckin pilot... Erken kalkmayi seven insanlar var, aklimin almadigi bir husus (Ateyizstler bunu da aciklasin, bu da mi tesdauf) The whom loves to be awaken at an early moment of the day, I choose not to say a word to you, God bless you... Months have passed, aylar oldu. Siddetli degisiklik var mi, BMW 4 ve Range Rover yeni kasayi filan saymazsak pek yok. Bu arada 70lerin bazi indie, house vb stili parcalari var ki, insanin agzi acik kaliyor. Beck's, Heineken, Carlsberg sonrasi Felsgold, Leffe,, ve animsayamadigim birkac bira daha (bile) bulunan arka sokaktaki Tekel bayi, Jagermeister, Jack Danielsin 10cl'ligi, Baltika idsimli Rus birasini da getirmis Thanks to the beverages and tobacco shop whom my neighbour is, just has begun to sell the brands and types that I have written above... Bahar geldi, spring is "on-air" Also follow on facebook, twitter, instagram.... From now, beacuse of this 7" lenovo tab, life would easier here on the web... For example, now on the(08 a.m.) and on TransEuropeanMotorway, just near the FSM Bridge, in Istanbul... Thursday, is thong day deeeermisim. Yarin Cuma, tomorrow is TGiFriday, thanx god it's friday... Lise1den beri, 22 senedir degismez heyecan, fotograf makinesi ve TGiF... For a long time of 22 years, unchanged melody of excitement, photography(my cam) and becoming of TGiF... Bu arada Selamicesme, Feneryolu ev borsasi: 80-90m2 sifir, 650bin TL. Bolge Manhattan gibi, daha da degerlenecek.... Selamicesme-Ciftehavuzlar arasindaki guzel balikci, kebapci, mezeciden sonra The North Shields da acilmis... Super hareket.... Thanx for watching us have a cheerful day